Subscribe to Beginner 1 Guitar: 1st Quarter Video Course for $40.00!
Once you have purchased your course, you can start on your first lesson anytime you want! Your lessons are meant to be watched 1 per week, so that you have 7 days to practice what you have learned. However, feel free to go at your own pace. You will have unlimited access to these videos for 3 years.
Lesson 1: Introduction, string numbering & holding the pick. Lesson 2: Finger numbering, string notes, tuning & basic G chord. Lesson 3: Nashville Numbering System & basic D chord. Lesson 4: Basic C chord. Lesson 5: 3/4 & 4/4 timing for G chord. Lesson 6: 3/4 & 4/4 timing for D chord. Lesson 7: 3/4 & 4/4 timing for C chord. Lesson 8: Bluegrass G chord, C chord & 3/4, 4/4 timing for bluegrass C chord. Lesson 9: Song, “Brethren We Have Met To Worship” (verse). Lesson 10: Song, “Brethren We Have Met To Worship” (chorus). Lesson 11: Song, “Brethren We Have Met To Worship.” Lesson 12: Review chords, timing & song.
Subscribe to Beginner 1 Guitar: 2nd Quarter Video Course for $40.00! Once you have purchased your course, you can start on your first lesson anytime you want! Your lessons are meant to be watched 1 per week, so that you have 7 days to practice what you have learned. However, feel free to go at your own pace. You will have unlimited access to these videos for 3 years.
Lesson 13: Song, “Brethren We Have Met To Worship,” church style. Lesson 14: G scale notes (first half). Lesson 15: G scale notes (second half), use a metronome. Lesson 16: Song, “Brethren, We Have Met To Worship,” melody (verse). Lesson 17: Song, “Brethren, We Have Met To Worship,” melody (chorus). Lesson 18: Song, “Brethren, We Have Met To Worship,” melody. Lesson 19: Using a capo. Lesson 20: C chords, C, F, G. Lesson 21: F chord 3/4, 4/4 timing. Lesson 22: Song, “There Is A Fountain,” (verse). Lesson 23: Song, “There Is A Fountain,” (chorus), put verse and chorus together. Lesson 24: Review chords, timing, capo and songs.
Subscribe to Beginner 1 Guitar: 3rd Quarter Video Course for $40.00!
Once you have purchased your course, you can start on your first lesson anytime you want! Your lessons are meant to be watched 1 per week, so that you have 7 days to practice what you have learned. However, feel free to go at your own pace. You will have unlimited access to these videos for 3 years.
Lesson 25: C Scale Notes & "Added Notes" Lesson 26: Song "There Is A Fountain" Melody (Verse) Lesson 27:Song "There Is A Fountain" Melody (Chorus) Lesson 28: D Chord Numbering, A Major & A7, 3/4 & 4/4 Timing Lesson 29: Song, "The Old Rugged Cross" Chording In The Key of D (Verse) Lesson 30: Song, "The Old Rugged Cross" Chording In The Key of D (Chorus), Put Together Lesson 31: D Scale Notes Lesson 32: D "Added Notes" Lesson 33: Song, "The Old Rugged Cross" Melody (Verse) Lesson 34: Song, "The Old Rugged Cross" Melody (Chorus) Lesson 35: Song, "The Old Rugged Cross" Melody (Verse & Chorus Together) Lesson 36: Review Chords, Timing and Songs
Guitar Tips and Tricks Video Course Do you already know how to play guitar, but want to learn some new techniques? Then check out my course for $40.00! (For Beginner 2-Intermediate players).
Once you have purchased your course, you can start on your first lesson anytime you want! Your lessons are meant to be watched 1 per week, so that you have 7 days to practice what you have learned. However, feel free to go at your own pace. You will have unlimited access to these videos for 3 years.
Lesson 1:Pull-offs, hammer-ons Lesson 2: How to use hammer-ons in slow song How to use hammer-ons in fast D chording How to use pull-offs in slow D chording Lesson 3: Intro To G, C, D licks, Variations Lesson 4: Licks (G, 4/4 timing), (C, 4/4 timing), (D, 4/4 timing) Lesson 5: Licks (G, 3/4 timing add hammer-on), (C, 3/4 timing add hammer-on), (D 3/4 timing add hammer-on) Lesson 6: Licks G, C, D, using hammer-ons and pull-offs 4/4 timing Lesson 7: Variations of chords, walking up to 1st chord Lesson 8: Walking into the 4th chord, 5th chord. Adding a 7 chord Lesson 9: Walking down into a chord Walking down to a 4 chord Lesson 10: Backstroking G, C, D, 3/4 & 4/4 timing Lesson 11: Adding chords to a song: "Sweet Hour of Prayer" Lesson 12: Adding chords to a song: "We'll Understand It All By & By," "Amazing Grace"
Beginner 1 Guitar Student Testimonial "You do not know how much your lessons have meant to me. This has been a desire of mine for years to learn to play so the Lord might receive glory. I've looked at web sites and different ways to learn but you put the cookie jar on the table so I could actually reach it."
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